Rainbow Castle Childcare
At Rainbow Castle Childcare, we ensure that all children are coming to a loving, caring environment where they are valued and listened to. As being a place of learning, we provide infinite ways that children can express themselves through endless play opportunities.
Services Overview
We offer a 2-3 group, all year (50 weeks) excludes Christmas and new year and Inservice days
Nursery is term time only (40 weeks) and we offer Playscheme during Easter, Summer and October holidays to nursery children who attend Rainbow castle only and primary children P1 to P7.
Afterschool Club is an engaging and fun place for kids to go after school to wind down and meet other children from different schools and make friendships! Children can come to afterschool club from the ages of 3 until Primary 7.
Please note that Afterschool Club is currently not operating at the moment, thank you for understanding.
2-3 Group
Session Structure
Our main 2-3 session times are 9:00 -12:00 or 13:00–16:00. These sessions are £15 per session, and you are required to book a minimum of 2 sessions per week.
If you require more childcare, you can add additional childcare for before or after these times with an additional cost of £5 per 30 minutes.
In the morning we offer 08:30 to 9:00 and in the afternoon we offer 16:00–16:30. We also offer a lunch session which is at 12:00 to 13:00. This session is £6 per session, and again you can add this on as an additional childcare.
(Parents to provide a packed lunch unless funded) We are a no nut building due to severe allergies. -
Snack Fees
Snack fees are included in your price, so no additional snack fees are required for the 2-3 room. We operate a flexi snack and this is when the children are allowed to come to snack when they are ready.
Play Structure
In the 2-3 room we operate free flow play and this is when the children have the session to play in areas that interest them, we have adult led activities these are optional for the children to participate in.
Messy Area
We have a large messy area and within this area there are two tough trays with one normally containing water and another with a messy activity. This could be anything ranging from Play-Doh to shaving foam. There is a craft table which the children have access to a range of materials such as crayons, pencils, glue sticks, a range of different sticking resources and paper to create their own picture. We also have a jigsaw table that is changed daily with different puzzles that cover different learning areas.
Home Area
We have a large home area and this area contains a sofa, table, cooker, sink, cupboard, a bed, and a dolls bed. Within this area children like to use their imagination or role play real life situations.
Story Area
We are lucky to have a big story area and within this area there are small and large beanbags for the children to sit on, a rug, puppets, story stones and books. We also like to use this area to do our singing throughout the session, we also use this area for a large group song or story at the end of the session.
Small World Play
There is an area that is used for cars and trains and within this area there is a rug on the floor with different buildings and a road. Next to this we have an area where the children have access to different animals ranging from farm to zoo animals.
Open Play
There is a loose parts area again that is accessed freely by the children, and it contains different loose parts like wooden spoons, different containers, bobbins and much more, that the children can use their imagination to interoperate the different items.
2-3 room also have access to the garden that is all secure with a high fence, we have a construction area, digging, mud kitchen, water wall, bug hotel, loose parts to create balancing beams, chalk boards and lots more.
Your Child's development
Staff follow Realising the Ambition, GIRFEC, SHANNARI, My World Outdoors and more to support your child’s personal development which is evidenced in their learning journal folders.
Toilet Training
We have access to 3 toilets and provide potties and toilet aids to help support children toilet training. Staff are happy to change children’s nappies within the session and all children will be changed a minimum of every 3 hours. For more information on what children need whilst attending 2-3 please contact 2-3 Senior or Staff member to discuss.
2-3 group fees
Session Times | Cost |
8:30 – 9:00 | £5 |
9:00 – 12:00 (session) | £16 |
12:00 – 13:00 | £6 |
13:00 – 16:00 (session) | £16 |
16:00 – 16:30 | £5 |
3-5 Group
Session Structure
Our main 3-5 session times are 09:00 – 15:00 or 09:30 – 15:30 these sessions are funded, If you require more childcare, you can add on additional childcare for before or after these times with an additional cost of £5 per 30 minutes.
In the morning we offer 8:30 to 9:00 and 09:00 to 09.30 and in the afternoon, we offer 16:00–16:30.
We are a no nut building due to severe allergies. -
Snack Fees
Snack fees are calculated out to each child and how much they attend Rainbow Castle Childcare these are normally paid termly, We operate a flexi snack this is when the children are allowed to come to snack when they are ready.
Play Structure
In the 3-5 room we operate free flow play and this is when the children have the session to play in areas that interest them, we have adult led activities these are optional for the children to participate in.
Messy Area
We have a large messy area and within this area there are two tough trays one normally containing water and another with a messy activity this could be anything ranging from Play-Doh to shaving foam. There is a craft table which the children have access to a range of materials such as crayons, pencils, glue sticks, a range of different sticking resources and paper to create their own picture.
Home Area
We have a large home area and this area contains a sofa, table, cooker, sink, cupboard, a bed, and a dolls bed. Within this area children like to use their imagination or role play real life situations.
Story Area
We are lucky to have a big story area within this area there are small and large beanbags for the children to sit on, a rug, puppets, story stones and books.
Small World Play
Within this area there are cars and trains. Children also have access to different animals ranging from farm to zoo animals.
Construction Area
There is a loose parts area again that is accessed freely by the children, and it contains different loose parts much more, that the children can use their imagination to interoperate the different items.
3-5 room have open door policy to the garden that is all secure with a high fence, we have a construction area, digging, mud kitchen, water wall, bug hotel, loose parts to create balancing beams, chalk boards and lots more.
Your Child's development
Staff follow the curriculum for excellence, GIRFEC, SHANNARI, My World Outdoors and more to support your child’s personal development which is evidenced in their learning journal folders.
Toilet Training
We have access to 3 toilets and provide potties and toilet aids to help support children toilet training. Staff are happy to change children’s nappies within the session and all children will be changed a minimum of every 3 hours. For more information on what children need whilst attending 3-5 please contact 3-5 Senior or Staff member to discuss.
Afterschool Club
Please Note
📣 Afterschool Club is currently not operating at the moment
Afterschool Club Description
Everyone is billed in 4 weekly blocks and sessions are paid in advance. Payment must be received prior to the start of each block. We do set days for the same 4 weeks and these days are then guaranteed to be yours until further notice so there is no worry that you will suddenly miss out. Sometimes we have additional days to offer if availability allows it. We can also cater for any allergies that your child may suffer from.
Session Structure
Afterschool Club Sessions are charged per day. The Sessions are charged from 15:00 if in our nursery setting or from when the taxi arrives straight from school until 17:30. Parents can collect their child at any time up to 17:30.
What Schools we serve
We cover all schools in Elgin for our Afterschool Club. These are: 📚 Bishopmill Primary School, 🏫 East End Primary School, ✏ Linkwood Primary School, 📚 New Elgin Primary School, 🏫 Seafield Primary School, ✏ St Sylvesters Primary School, 📚 West End Primary School.
We provide a light snack to our children which is normally served between 15:30 - 16:30. This contains a mixture of options from fruits, vegetables, wraps, cereal, Super Noodles and hot dogs.
Free Time
Children can access our Rainbow Castle Soft Play to unwind after school and have some fun or some kids often choose to do their homework. The children also have access to our resources mentioned above in our Childcare building and equipment we have outside in our garden.
How to register your child with Rainbow Castle childcare
Registration forms can be collected, filled out and returned to Rainbow Castle Childcare, they will also need a completed personal plan and if they have allergies, medication, intolerances, etc. They will need a health care plan and medication consent forms prior to starting.
All children must attend settling in sessions which would be arranged with the respective seniors.
General enquiries: [email protected]
2-3 and 3-5 Senior: [email protected]
3-5 Senior: [email protected]
01343 543 249